
FoxAdvice was born out of the idea that many people encounter obstacles in their career development or professional life. In such instances external help is needed to overcome these barriers.
We can partner with you to alleviate the pressure, address a difficult situation and/or help to achieve a major milestone.
We stand for excellence and industry best practices to empower entrepreneurs and career driven individuals to realise their goals. We have a holistic approach that looks beyond the workplace which encompasses a positive mindset, is solution driven and fit for purpose.

Joel De Vos
Founder & main consultant at FoxAdvice and Keynote Speaker
“I like to shake things up and put the puzzle pieces into the right place. My entrepreneurial heart and expertise in HR combined with an affinity for strategic and innovative thinking enable me to design out-of-the-box concepts and challenge the status quo.”
Growing up in a middle-income family with changing circumstances, Joel had a difficult start into his adulthood with a cancer diagnosis at 18. After 2 years and winning the fight against cancer, he found himself with a mountain of debt, no career and no prospects in life.
With support of his friends, family and faith, he was able to face these challenges and overcome them. In his mid-twenties he changed his career from the hospitality industry to HR, keeping in line with his love for people but wanting to serve in another way. He became an accomplished HR professional with work experience in various sectors including one the most well-established consultancy firms in Europe (Big Four).
Nowadays, Joël is a husband, a father and as of 2022 a marathon runner. He puts his faith into action by volunteering in his local church, supporting people in the margins of society as well as (cancer) patients and their families.
For more information on his professional background, check out his LinkedIn account.